Nathan and Daddy in the airport. This is how we have to put his shoes on. Busy boy!

Nathan flirting in the airport.

So cute!

Nathan's first airplane ride! He did really well!

Mama and Daddy

My hubby is so handsome! :)

The ledge of doom. The wedding was outside at this beautiful mansion, but the garden drops off right here and this is what I had to keep Nathan away from. It was a long day.

Our family! Nathan won't look at the camera to save his life. LOL!

Nathan being a cutie.

Playing outside.

He also spent half of his time trying to eat the rocks.

Here he is trying to eat the Goldfish I brought. Better than rocks.

Here he is eating plastic. Still better than rocks. LOL!

Nathan and Daddy!

Nathan and Mama!
We had a really nice time in Baltimore. I only wish that we had more time to explore the area a little better. Thankfully we did get a chance to see my good friend Emily. It was so nice to see you Smalls!!
Wonderful pics, so glad you all had a great flight and time! :)
LOL, Allyson and Nathan should go on a date, they'd both order ROCKS! Those are great pics, thanks for sharing.
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