This is one of my favorite nursing pictures. So incredibly sweet....
I just realized that I never posted about World Breastfeeding week!! Shame on me....
Nursing is one of the greatest things about being a mother. Here is my nursing story up to this point...
Nathan was born on May 12th 2007. After a lengthy pushing phase, poor Nathan was born with some breathing difficulties. They had to take him to the NICU for a couple of hours. While I was waiting to be able to see him, I just kept thinking about how I couldn't wait to begin nursing. I was so ready for him to be with me and ready to begin our lives together. Thankfully, 2 hours later, I was able to take my sweet babe to my room. After all the family cleared out, I was ready to nurse. I realized that I was a little nervous at the time, but I knew in my heart, that everything would be ok. I attempted to help Nathan latch on, but he wasn't really interested at the time. So I just let him lay against my breast, in hopes that we would wake and want to nurse. A couple of hours later, Nathan awoke with a new hunger. His tiny little mouth began searching for my nipple. Seconds later, Nathan latched. Such a beautiful sight. He needed a lot of help and guidance at first. We saw a couple of lactation consultants to improve his latch. He eventually figured it out, he was brand new after all and just learning!
The first 6 weeks were hard. Nathan nursed all the time and my nipples were quite sore. But I just kept telling myself that I was giving him the greatest gift a mother could give her child. After that first 6 weeks, life and nursing got a lot easier. Nathan spread out his nursing schedule and my nipples gradually healed. Now, at 3 months, our nursing relationship is as strong as ever. I love to look down at him and see his eyes flutter closed as he is nursing. He loves to lay his hand on my breast or reach up to touch my face. When he stops nursing long enough to look up at me and smile, my heart melts. I am so proud that he has doubled his birth weight all on my milk. I am so proud that I can do this for my baby.
Nursing is one of the greatest things about being a mother. Here is my nursing story up to this point...
Nathan was born on May 12th 2007. After a lengthy pushing phase, poor Nathan was born with some breathing difficulties. They had to take him to the NICU for a couple of hours. While I was waiting to be able to see him, I just kept thinking about how I couldn't wait to begin nursing. I was so ready for him to be with me and ready to begin our lives together. Thankfully, 2 hours later, I was able to take my sweet babe to my room. After all the family cleared out, I was ready to nurse. I realized that I was a little nervous at the time, but I knew in my heart, that everything would be ok. I attempted to help Nathan latch on, but he wasn't really interested at the time. So I just let him lay against my breast, in hopes that we would wake and want to nurse. A couple of hours later, Nathan awoke with a new hunger. His tiny little mouth began searching for my nipple. Seconds later, Nathan latched. Such a beautiful sight. He needed a lot of help and guidance at first. We saw a couple of lactation consultants to improve his latch. He eventually figured it out, he was brand new after all and just learning!
The first 6 weeks were hard. Nathan nursed all the time and my nipples were quite sore. But I just kept telling myself that I was giving him the greatest gift a mother could give her child. After that first 6 weeks, life and nursing got a lot easier. Nathan spread out his nursing schedule and my nipples gradually healed. Now, at 3 months, our nursing relationship is as strong as ever. I love to look down at him and see his eyes flutter closed as he is nursing. He loves to lay his hand on my breast or reach up to touch my face. When he stops nursing long enough to look up at me and smile, my heart melts. I am so proud that he has doubled his birth weight all on my milk. I am so proud that I can do this for my baby.
I love nursing photos, too! There's nothing as sweet as a nursing baby! I'm glad Nathan is a good nurser. You should consider having your own nursing photos taken by a photographer. I've been wanting to do that, but have found a million and one excuses to put it off...
When Nathan stops nursing and looks up at you, does he ever have milk drips on his cheek?? I love milk drips and milky, toothless smiles.
Great picture, sweetie! I love it!
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